

We're Speaking At Critical Facilities Summit

“I have seen mission critical facilities operate for years without failure, even though they were not built or engineered to do so.  I have also seen facilities fail catastrophically, with far-reaching consequences, even though they were designed with multiple redundant fail-safe systems.

“It is understood that great engineering and design are important to successful mission critical facilities.  But without great people doing the right things to mitigate risk, even the best engineering in the world will not prevent failure.  Given time, everything will fail; but the primary difference between successful mission critical facilities and those that fail will always be the people, their organizational culture, and the processes they use.”

Terry R. Vergon

How do you build a world-class facilities organization to stand in the gap?

Building Mission Critical Facilities Organizations covers the subject step by step, helping stakeholders and facilities organizations understand the importance of people to the equation of successful mission critical facilities.

Terry’s books and blog discuss concepts such as risk mitigation, training, engineering, leadership, and finances – everything that pertains to mission critical operations.  Each of Terry’s presentations is custom-designed for the particular audience, and can be tailored to fit any time schedule and topic. He speaks most often about mission critical facilities as a keynote speaker.